About me
Hi. I’m Fiona.
I’m a Birth and Postpartum Doula, Hypnobirthing Australia™ Childbirth Educator, and a Mum of 3 boys.

Based in Ballina, I work across all of the Northern Rivers and Tweed. I offer face-to-face and online / virtual services and a range of antenatal, childbirth education, and post-natal packages.
I know first hand how incredibly important the right kind of pregnancy support and birth and postpartum preparation is, which is essentially why I got into this line of work. I am deeply passionate about supporting women and their families through their pregnancy, birthing and postpartum journeys and feel excited to be able to share wisdom, experience and resources to help others see their power, and feel able to make informed choices around childbirth.
I had two out of three of my babies in the UK, away from my family and social support. As a first time Mum I was shocked by how challenging it was and how isolated I felt. I needed a village. I suffered from postpartum depression, had a hard time recovering physically, and my husband and I just didn’t have the right kind, or enough, support around us.
Preparing for our second child was so different. We had lost a baby in between our two sons and I really wanted to ensure I looked after myself, and our growing blessing, during the pre-natal period. I focused a lot on my self-care. I tried to look inward and meditate, practice yoga and communicate with my inner goddess. Although we did some Hypnobirthing preparation with our first, we really dialled it up for our second. I also went into the birth a lot more prepared, and most importantly I had a really good plan for the postpartum period – a time for me to rest, recuperate, feel nourished, bond with our sons and settle into being a family of four. This all made a world of difference to our personal experience. And I truly believe it made a difference to our kids as well. Fast forward another 2 years and we welcomed our third son safely at home in Australia. The experience of our second (being more prepared and having more support) taught us a lot about what we needed to put in place to plan our amazing homebirth and manage that busy postpartum time with 3 children. It was epic.
Becoming a mother transformed me in so many ways, too many in fact to go into here. But it also really embedded for me the power of the woman’s body, and the sadness I feel about how, in a lot of places, birth and pregnancy is treated like an illness and has been so medicalised I feel we’ve lost touch of our ability to birth and lost sight of what we can achieve.
I believe birth is sacred. I am forever in awe of what our bodies can do. I believe that women are powerful and magnificent, and have an innate wisdom that enables them to birth their babies without fear. I believe that over time our society’s approach to birth has meant that some women have been robbed of this sacred, transformational and primal experience and are approaching birth fearful and misinformed. And I believe they deserve to birth with strength, positivity, love and energy around them.
I want to live in a world where women understand the capabilities of their bodies, their instinctive primal power, and where they are confident in their ability to grow, birth and raise their children. A world where women are aware of all their options, confident in the choices they can make around childbirth and are coming to those decisions fully informed and supported.
I want to co-create a world where women can choose to have the birth THEY want to, however and wherever that may be. A world where women are empowered, their partners know how best to support them, and where mothers and families are supported every step of the way through their transformation into parenthood; through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
I want to be the support that I didn’t have; before, during and after birth. I want to share my experience and knowledge, offer guidance, wisdom, support and love. I want to create a village for the women and families I support. I believe there is a big change coming around childbirth and the way we approach the post-natal period and I want not only to be a part of this change, but to help drive it. This is why I do what I do.